Privacy Policy

Who we are?

Grupo de Desarrollo Agrícola Mexicano, SA de CV, (DAMEX Group) with address at, 15 sur 707-303, CP 72000 Colonia Santiago, Puebla, Puebla, México, based on articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (LFPDPPP), is responsible for their personal data.

What personal data do we use and for what purposes?

In relation to the exchange of information for possible transfer of funds and products requested, you will collect, incorporate and process a personal data security management system in order to be able to follow up the process of Management of obligations contracted and recovery of overdue payments and such data will be:

  • Identification and contact information
  • Financial data
  • Patrimonial Data
  • Bank data

With whom do we share your personal information and for what purposes?

For the purposes described above, it is necessary to transfer your Personal Data to the extent necessary to Abogados y Despachos of Billing contracted by Grupo de Desarrollo Agrícola Mexicano S.A de C.V for the recovery of payments and overdue portfolio.

We undertake to ensure that all legal principles of protection around the transfer of your personal data are carried out in a responsible manner, and that it is also complied with by the people to whom this data is transferred.

In this understanding, Grupo de Desarrollo Agrícola Mexicano, S.A de C.V, informs you that in order to provide your services, you will transfer, as the case may be, your Personal Data to: group companies; companies that are part of the business relationship and public entities in order to comply with contractual obligations.

Where can I check the comprehensive privacy notice?

Grupo de Desarrollo Agrícola Mexicano, S.A de C.V, informs you that you can request the integral privacy notice at the time you need it directly in the offices or consult it on the website